A former Président and Bundespräsident as Patrons for GFYL 2017
" "The Saarland, at the border between Luxembourg and France, reminds us of Europe's complicated but also agile and vulnerable nature. But it also reminds us of how necessary and irreplaceable the unification of Europe, peace and understanding am ong nations for men is. Europe is our common homeland. Europe is also our common project, our common future, that we cannot stop working on."
Christian Wulff, 7 November 2011
"Located in the heart of Europe, Germany and France today form the epicenter of the whole of Europe without whom the unification of our continent would be non-existent. [...] This strength gives us a common responsibility in Europe."
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, 26 January 2017
Responsibility, European Unity, Friendship, Creativity, Common Progress -- those are only some of our core values the GFYL Programme represents, defends and communicates. We are thrilled that we found supporters of high political importance who support our mission with their name. And who believe as much in the European idea, the European spirit and the European strength as we do.
For this year's conference, the strong values and mission of the GFYL Programme convinced two former President of Germany and France to act as our patrons: Christian Wulff and Valéry Giscard d’Estaing.

Both being strong supporters of the European idea, we are honored by their support. We are especially thankful to welcome one of the great promotors of Europe to this day Valéry Giscard d’Estaing who will be our guest of honor of this year's conference giving a speech on the future of the EU at the Opening Ceremony on 11 May 2017.
"Germany is and remains the most natural partner of France in Europe. [...] Whatever divisions, economic imbalances or differences in opinion may exist between our countries or our leaders - the idea of this friendly partnership remains unchallenged being an example for best practice in Europe and the world. If the Franco-German reconciliation is a historical accomplishment, it is also a daily commitment!"
Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, 26 January 2017
"Europe is our common homeland and our precious heritage. It stands for the great values of liberty, human rights and social security. All this can only be maintained through joined efforts. Those saying something else might receive applause in the short term. But they are mistaken."
Christian Wulff, 24 December 2011